What is Lactobiotic Forte

Lactobiotic Forte contains 4 strains of freeze-dried probiotic bacteria, when these good bacteria reach our digestive system, they become “re-activated” and can thus exert their positive effect on the gut flora.

Selection of the various probiotics and their quantity per capsule is based on extensive scientific research conducted on the function and effects of these bacteria.

The probiotics in Lactobitiic forte are protected by a new patented technology of microencapsulation (DR Caps®) which guarantees a superior survival and increases the quality of the product and its activity.


Lactobiotic Forte capsule contains 5 billion freeze- dried germs which help, day after day, to effectively boost the digestive natural defense mechanism as the following:

LactobaciIlus rhamnosus
LactobaciIlus acidophilus
LactobaciIlus casei
LactobaciIlus plantarum
Bifidobacterium animalis lactis
Saccharomyces boulardii
Bacillus coagulans

Excipients: Corn maltodextrin & silicon dioxide


Lactobiotic Forte is used in all cases where our gut flora needs extra help like irritable bowel syndromes such as bloating feeling, fatulence & soft stool.

Lactobiotic Forte promotes a good digestion and boosts our intestinal flora after prolonged antibiotic therapy.

Targeted Consumers

Lactobiotic Forte is Suitable for